Elon Musk expressed his disapproval of the arrest of Pavel Durov and agreed with American entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy when Vivek opined that if it’s Telegram today, it will be X tomorrow.
In the Tucker Carlson interview, Kennedy Jr revealed that Trump asked him to join his presidential transition team and that he is looking forward to that. Amid much of Kennedy family drama over Kennedy Jr’s unexpected support to Trump, Kennedy Jr maintained that his family is welcome to disagree with them.
Kennedy Jr said as he met Trump before suspending his independent campaign, he also approached Kamala Harris but Harris refused to meet him. “I reached out to her and to a number of people who are very close to her,” RFK Jr said adding that the impression he got was that Kamala Harris won’t meet him but a meeting with some low-level party official could have been arranged. Kennedy said he was not interested in that.
“Why wouldn’t Kamala Harris meet with you?” Carlson asked. “Maybe the same reason, she hasn’t given an interview. I guess there are many handlers involved,” Kennedy Jr said adding that Democrats do not elect a person but the apparatus — the people around her.