“Quite frankly, when you look at it, they don’t really care about Joe Biden. This isn’t about loyalty to Joe Biden. They are trying to figure out how best they can stay in power. So they’re trying to figure out is Joe Biden that winning horse or do they need to put him out to pasture and find someone else that they believe can win, who will also be a figurehead that they can be the puppet masters for and control?” Tulsi said. “It’s far more serious than the control of Jill Biden and Hunter Biden.”
“Clearly, Joe Biden showed the country in the debate that he is incapable of being the president and commander in chief clearly is not calling the shots. So we should all be asking who is really calling the shots and it’s what we know to be the deep state. It’s those who are in unelected positions, whether they be political figures, the military industrial complex, the national security state, their friends in the propaganda media — everyone who gets their power by knowing that they can control this figurehead, which is why they’re doing all they can do destroy Trump because they know that he will expose them and dismantle their power,” Tulsi Gabbard said.